January 19, 2024

Reasons to be excited for Geo Week 2024

The experience of an in-person event is still unmatched in this era of digital business.
Poster created at Geo Week 2023 | Source: Ink Factory

We are somehow just about three weeks away from the kick off of Geo Week 2024, the annual conference bringing together the geospatial and built environments. This year’s conference takes place at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, starting on February 11 and running through February 13. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been looking at various aspects of the show, including the keynote addresses to kick off days one and two, what can be seen at the Exhibit Hall Theater, the conference program more broadly, sessions looking at DEI and workforce challenges throughout the industry, and award winners who will be honored at the event. You can also download Geo Week’s event preview for more looks ahead to what can be expected in Denver. 

Registration is Open for Geo Week 2024!

February 11-13, 2024 | Colorado Convention Center | Denver, CO, USA

Learn More >          Register Now >

With all of that, there is so much to be excited about for the show next month, including but not limited to all of those things mentioned above. We’ll certainly be in attendance and providing daily coverage on Geo Week News, with daily recaps sent out to newsletter subscribers, but even that can’t replace the experience of being at the event in-person. In fact, among the reasons I’m excited is to be in Denver. It’s one of my favorite cities in the United States, particularly this time of year with the picturesque snow capped mountains providing a backdrop throughout the week.

Of course, while experiencing the city of Denver is going to be a highlight, being in-person for the actual event is certainly the piece to which I’m most looking forward. While we will certainly be doing our best to provide coverage for as much of the show as possible, one of the things that is most difficult to portray in writing is the feel of the exhibit hall floor. This is the place where you really get to see all of the innovative companies that make up our industry while getting a chance to speak with the minds behind the innovation. From hiring opportunities to chances for boosting your business with new products to simply learning the latest technologies and strategies in your industry, it’s hard to beat the Geo Week exhibit floor for any of these needs.

Anticipation is also brewing for the sessions being offered throughout the three-day event. We’ve covered a chunk of those offerings in the links above, including the keynotes, but that really only scratches the surface of what attendees will be able to check out. For the first time, a full conference pass this year provides access to not only Geo Week’s content but also sessions being presented by ASPRS, giving even more opportunity for engaging panel discussions and informative presentations, with topics ranging from the metaverse to core surveying technologies to advancements in topobathymetry to insights on BIM adoption and so much more. 

Finally, the networking opportunities of in-person events are simply unmatched. From planned meetings set up prior to the show or during the event on the Geo Week app (coming soon), coming together for a face-to-face conversation is incomparable to virtual meetings. It certainly enhances business conversations, but also gives folks a chance to connect on a more human level than what can be done on LinkedIn, over email, or even on video calls. Geo Week will have networking events at the end of each day, to say nothing of post-event get-togethers throughout the city and day-time meetings, both organic and pre-planned on the app.

There is so much to be excited for that this only scratches the surface, and fortunately there is still time to register and make sure you’re part of the experience!

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