February 5, 2022

Interview: What is the future of reality capture?

Dr. Felix Reinshagen, CEO of NavVis expounds on the history and trajectory of reality capture technology.

The evolution of reality capture technology has been a fascinating path to follow, from the earliest tripod-based laser scanners to those using simultaneous location and mapping (SLAM) to accomplish scanning without GPS to provide the location, to the development of advanced processing and computations to bring more actionable data light more quickly.

NavVis CEO Dr. Felix Reinshagen is no stranger to these leaps of technology, having been at the helm for NavVis' own reality capture revolution as they have developed new and innovative platforms for 3D scanning. 

Geo Week News sat down with Dr. Reinshagen to discuss his perspectives on technology, trends, and where he sees the future of 3D technology is headed. Watch the full interview below or on YouTube

NavVis will be exhibiting at Geo Week - stop by their booth 837 for more information on their reality capture solutions.

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