March 15, 2018

Pixvana's VR Casting offers a simpler way to share and experience VR storytelling


Pixvana is a Seattle-based startup with a focus on creating powerful X Reality (XR) storytelling and immersive media. The company’s Spin Studio is a cloud-based platform for XR video storytelling and delivery that helps to simplify and speed up the shooting and post-production processes for VR stories. It’s an end-to-end solution for stitching, editing, and finishing VR stories  –  all in a single app. Adding to this platform, Pixvana has recently announced the release of Virtual Reality (VR) Casting.

The new VR Casting tool introduces a new app—SPIN Play—to manage and distribute VR videos from SPIN Studio to targeted VR headsets. SPIN Play includes a simple “pair-and-share” feature that securely delivers the highest quality content to any audience, anywhere, at any time. As detailed in the video below, the process is similar to pairing a TV streaming stick to an account for a channel like HBO.

“One of the biggest pain points the industry is experiencing right now is an efficient way to share VR Video”, said Forest Key, Co-Founder and CEO of Pixvana. “Pixvana’s solution for VR Casting is an elegant solution that simplified the expensive/complexity of building dedicated applications for mobile or windows for each and every piece of VR video content.”

Although this sounds great for the entertainment industry, it is also a valuable asset for professionals. XR is already having a positive impact in training and education, business presentations, sales enablement, ACE, and other communication environments.

“We see a huge opportunity for XR to transform the way companies conduct employee and product training as well as create new learning experiences for children and adults,” commented Key. “For example, energy companies routinely use VR to train for high-stakes scenarios like performing emergency procedures on an oil rig. Immersive experiences create the feeling of being there so when an emergency happens it feels more familiar. VR has also often been called an “empathy machine” so there are significant applications for things like sensitivity or diversity training.”

By allowing content to be organized and quickly presented, at the highest possible quality, Pixvana’s VR Casting is particularly relevant to all business to business presentations of VR, such as in architecture, construction, engineering fields.

“Unlike a consumer media application where 100s of thousands or millions of viewers is the goal, in business presentation/review situations the goal is to present content to a target viewing group within a meeting, a conference, or a design review”, adds Key. “Pixvana’s new VR Casting solution with SPIN Studio is designed primarily for these type of presentations of VR video.”

The SPIN Play is available across leading VR networks including Steam, Google Play and the Oculus Store. Authorized customers also have exclusive access to the Pixvana Publisher Network (PPN) to easily monetize and distribute content across leading VR distribution channels. This includes one-click access to Steam where customers get to control pricing and reach global audiences at scale.

Moving forward, the company says it wants to continue building “future-proof” XR technology, and developing the next elements of the SPIN Studio platform to streamline the way businesses are creating and editing VR content.

For more information, see Pixvana’s website here.

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