September 17, 2013

OpenGeo now Boundless


Beta release of OpenGeo Suite 4.0 includes Mapmeter

Open source geospatial software firm OpenGeo said Tuesday it changed its name to Boundless Spatial Inc. to reflect an expanding portfolio of platforms, services and applications it develops and sells.

Based in Brooklyn, N.Y., the company spun off from its incubator nonprofit parent, OpenPlans, Inc., in April after venture capital firm Vanedge Capital, located in British Columbia, invested $3 million in it. Boundless Spatial, Inc. became a Delaware corporation in November 2012 and a New York corporation in April.

Boundless also announced a public beta release of its OpenGeo Suite 4.0, a geospatial software platform with an integrated spatial database, application server, and web client API to analyze and publish geospatial data on the web, mobile, and desktop applications across the enterprise.

OpenGeo Suite 4.0 has new features including the adoption of GeoServer 2.3. PostGIS 2.2, QGIS support, and integration with Mapmeter, merging spatial monitoring and reporting into a complete IT workflow.
Mapmeter is the company’s geospatial web services management and analytics tool introduced in May. Mapmeter sits on top of GeoServer, either within the OpenGeo Suite or standalone, and makes it possible for organizations to monitor production geospatial deployments. Get two-week trial of Mapmeter here.

“Managing geospatial services is no easy task,” said Juan Marin, Boundless CTO. “Many systems administrators are unable to easily obtain critical information about the health of their deployments. With Mapmeter and OpenGeo Suite, spatial monitoring and reporting become one piece in a complete IT workflow.”

The company said it was also expanding its technologies to include desktop software with QGIS. Growing capabilities in cloud and mobile platforms, and expanded work in data editing workflows, are also on the action agenda.

“We are the same company our customers have known for many years, with the same commitment to open source they and the open source community expect from us,” said Eddie Pickle, Boundless CEO. “However, we’ve known for some time that there was a conflict with other companies using the OpenGeo name, so this is the perfect time to change our corporate brand, especially with the momentum behind the company and the evolution from traditional GIS to spatial IT. ”

In July, Boundless entered into an investment and technology development agreement with In-Q-Tel, Inc., a nonprofit investment firm that identifies commercial technology applications for the CIA and the broader U.S. intelligence community.

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