May 8, 2023

Altair releases SimSolid Cloud simulation software

The cloud-native software solution is designed for design engineering and simulation, and promises to cut back on the most time-consuming processes.
Screenshot of SimSolid Cloud
Image via Altair

Late last month, simulation and artificial intelligence specialist Altair announced the release of their latest software offering, Altair SimSolid Cloud. The cloud-native simulation software offers convenience, with the ability to be used on any web browser from any device, and improved efficiency. To that latter point, Altair says “SimSolid Cloud eliminates geometry simplification and meshing, the two most time-consuming and expertise-intensive tasks done in traditional finite element analysis.”

Streamlining these processes for simulation delivers results in “seconds to minutes,” according to the announcement of this release from Altair, while also staying that SimSolid Cloud “effortlessly handles complex assemblies.” With “Cloud” being in the name of the new release, it’s no surprise that this is one of the big selling points of the offering. The cloud-based platform requires no software installation or specific computing levels; it instead works on most any device using just a web browser. 

That elimination of the time-consuming tasks for design engineers is the biggest selling point for Altair’s new release, but they also list some other key features, copied below:

  • Mesh-free technology and full-fidelity CAD simulation

  • Comprehensive physics support

  • Adaptive solver technology

  • Automated model connections

  • Results in seconds

  • Intuitive, user-friendly interface

  • Extensive material library

The benefits from this less complex and easier-to-access simulation capability are not too difficult to see. For one thing, simply being able to do things faster is always a benefit, and Altair is promising to significantly cut time needed for the most time-consuming facets of this kind of structural analysis and simulation. In addition to simply saving time, though, this should also help collaboration – if for no other reason than the cloud-based software allowing for data to be shared across stakeholders, including those without high-powered machines. 

Altair specifically points to “design engineers working on complex projects across various industries,” among those who could most benefit, along with engineering analysts and consultants who want to handle complex geometries and conditions. In terms of industries, they call out industrial machinery, tooling and equipment manufacturing, heavy equipment, consumer products, and AEC.

In a press statement, Altair founder and CEO James R. Scapa said, “We believe SimSolid Cloud has the potential to dramatically accelerate and simplify the daily work of finite element structural analysis users in all markets. Anyone using conventional finite element tools will be left behind if they do not embrace this technology soon.”

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