April 26, 2011

Monitoring BIM standards development

So, this is my first go at a “video blog.” You’ll see we’re using a fancy green screen and are projecting logos and whatnot, to okay effect. Yes, my hand gets cut off. Let’s say this is in beta, in terms of the technology and my delivery. I’m working on it. 

However, the message is important. BIM standards are being developed as we speak, and it’s vital that service providers and asset owners get in on the action. Especially if the scan-to-BIM market is going to take off and laser scanning is going to be part of the process. 

Here’s what I’m talking about:


Reference materials: 

BuildingSmart Alliance working on National BIM standards 

Write-up of the new “platform neutral” approach to BIM by the Army Corps of Engineers 

Army Corps’ BIM home page 

Army Corps’ current BIM set of requirements 

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