
Using Context Capture in 3D Modeling – Preliminary Visualization Production

On-Demand Webinar | Free

Previously Recorded on October 13, 2015

Transportation planning often requires insight into what design options are available when faced with improving intersections and interchanges. The WSDOT Visual Engineering Resource Group (VERG) provides that insight with 3D modeling – visualization products that visually explain what a new transportation facility will look and act like.

Learn about how VERG combines digital photography and ContextCapture’s quick and efficient reality modeling capabilities to provide crucial existing condition mesh models for transportation planning. This presentation will also include photography techniques best suited for ContextCapture’s  mesh model production.


Kurt Stiles

Kurt Stiles,
VERG Manager,

Ron Jones

Ron Jones,
VERG 3D Modeler-Animator, WSDOT

Mo Harmon

Mo Harmon,
Solutions Executive,
Roads & Bridges,


Sean Higgins

Sean Higgins, Editor, SPAR 3D

This webinar is provided free of charge and underwritten by a sponsor. Following the webinar, you may be contacted by the sponsor with information about their products and services.