
Aerial Imagery: Elevate your data-driven insights with 2D, 3D and AI visualization

On-Demand Webinar | Free

On-demand Webinar | Free

How do you bring the real world into management, planning and decision-making when ‘being there’ is no longer an option? The COVID-19 crisis has brought remote working technology to the forefront – with projects on hold and budgets tightening it is paramount to get the most out of every minute.  Aerial data helps better inform and guide decisions to eliminate project workflow inefficiencies, tighten project timelines, and can help save lives . In Government, the collaboration between aerial imagery and GIS data is critical—it vastly improves the quality of life for all individuals occupying a given geography.

In this webinar, learn how high-resolution geospatial data helps keep your organization running smoothly, efficiently, and effectively. Topics Include:

  • How geospatial content is captured and delivered, understanding the accuracy and frequency of the content
  • Discover how using data reduces site visits, provides historical context, and improves efficiency in all phases of the project lifestyle
  • How to make the most of aerial surveying and mapping data using available integrations for GIS, CAD, CAMA and other 3rd party applications
  • What types of firms use 3D data, customer use cases, and testimonials


Charles Stanton

Charles Stanton Geospatial Engineer, Nearmap


Carla Lauter

Carla Lauter, Editor, Geo Week News