January 27, 2016

4D Mapper Releases Asset Inspection Data Support


  • The online geospatial environment and data-streaming application now supports inspection data, including geo-tagged and non-geotagged photos and video
  • Inspection data can now be managed spatially
  • The update includes tools for live annotation and collaboration
  • The 4DMapper solution streams data, so it does not require software downloads

4DMapper integrates asset inspection data from drones or other devices and manages them in a custom, browser based, 3D geospatial environment with digital terrain and imagery. Until now, asset inspection data management has been limited, with clients having to manage large volumes of photos and video without any spatial frame of reference or relation to other project data such as imagery and 3D digital models.

4Dmapper now supports streaming of geotagged and non-geotagged photos, videos and inspection data with live annotation and collaboration. Now, inspection data can be managed spatially, in a 3D visual framework, with other data such as imagery, DTMs and GIS mapping (shapefiles). One place to manage, share, deliver and collaborate over a project’s spatial data.

“4DMapper’s asset inspection data support makes this valuable data mean something. End users receive not just a folder of photos and videos, but a logical, visual organisation of these data, streaming immediately on their browser” states Rob Klau, Business Development Manager at 4DMapper.

Not only is the data organised, it is streaming, available immediately. No matter how large the files, including very high resolution vertical plane orthophotos, the user has immediate viewing of the data, to it’s original high resolution, as it streams to their browser.

The annotation feature allows users to write notes on actual locations on the high-res photos. These notes are seen in real time between those sharing the data. This is a live collaboration capability that enables multiple parties anywhere in the world to assess photos and make decisions. All without any software.

The value-add of this process goes way beyond just improved file management and delivery by facilitating remote teamwork with immediate access to the data and each other’s annotations. This facilitates communication, saves time and money, eliminates local storage hassles, and enables rapid decision making and effective asset management.

“4DMapper creates opportunity as you’re no longer sending “dumb” data to your client. That’s the value add that gets you your next job.” said Chris Dickson, Director of AVMap Australia.

4DMapper is a DIY platform, is free to try and ready to go right now. Drag and drop your data and you’re underway. See 4DMapper.com for more details, or jump right in at app.4DMapper.com to create your streaming digital world.

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