December 3, 2014

SPAR EU and ELMF Preview

spareu-elmf front

Last chance to register!

Next week, from December 8-10, SPAR EU and the European LiDAR Mapping Forum are finally here. We at SPAR have been working all year for this, and we couldn’t be more excited. As you might know, the two conferences require only one registration and are held under one roof, which gives you a single source for the latest geospatial technology trends—from innovations in terrestrial 3D data capture to advances in aerial LiDAR systems. 

Side note: If you’ve been considering UAVs as a means of data capture, this conference will offer you all the information you need.

At the risk of sounding too much like a cheerleader, if you come to the conference, you can network with the 600+ of your colleagues also attending, along with a long list of exhibitors. This makes the conference a great way to gain valuable information from other precision-measurement and imaging professionals, even across industry and disciplinary lines. Talk shop, share tips and tricks, help each other avoid the same mistakes, find a new friend in the industry.

See below for all the details you need.

When and where?

8-10 December 2014
Passenger Terminal Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands


I’m still not convinced. What are some exciting presentations you have planned?

Here’s a teaser, but be sure to check out the programmes for SPAR EU and ELMF for more.

  • Peter van Blyenbergh, President of Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS) International, whose keynote will focus on the current state of civil operations with remotely piloted vehicles (what we in the US call UAVs).

  • Shabtay Negry, COO of Mantis Vision, will keynote on the development of smaller, mass-market solutions such as Google Tango and the Kinect, including how those technologies will change the market going forward.
  • Valentijn de Leeuw, Vice President of the ARC Advisory Group, will keynote, with an in-depth overview of where the 3D measurement market is, and where it will be headed in the future.
  • Ishtiaque Mahbub, IT Strategy Advisor for Shell Global Solutions International, who will present on as-is data collection and management for asset operations and maintenance. 
  • Sander Oude Elberink from the University of Twente and Jantien Stoter from Delft University of Technology who will present on a project working to automatically generate a nationwide 3D landscape model of the Netherlands. 


I’m convinced! Where do I find out more and register?

For SPAR Europe, visit
For European LiDAR Mapping Forum, visit


Can I attend for free?

Actually, yes. If a full registration isn’t in your budget, access these free-to-attend features:

  • An International Exhibit of solutions providers.
  • Technical Workshops showcasing the newest supplier advances and best practices.
  • Live Demonstrations of data-capture technologies and workflows.
  • Networking Opportunities with hundreds of measurement and imaging professionals.


Sounds great, but what other topics can I expect to find covered at these conferences?

SPAR Europe

  • Building Information Modeling (BIM)
  • 3D For Asset & Facilities Management
  • Point Cloud Processing
  • 3D Data Capture for As-Built Conditions
  • 3D/Intelligent Modeling
  • Managing and Sharing Large Data
  • Augmented Reality and Visualization Tools
  • 3D For Forensic & Security

European LiDAR Mapping Forum

  • Airborne, Terrestrial & Bathymetric LiDAR
  • Coastal Zone, Defence & Flood Plain LiDAR
  • Corridor and Utilities Mapping
  • Data Classification, GIS, Data Modelling/Management
  • Mobile Mapping
  • Technology Development and Trends
  • Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
  • Remote Sensing

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