April 24, 2014

SPAR Star Awards

SPAR Star Award

SPAR Star Award SPAR 3D created the SPAR Star Awards (previously the “Distinguished Achievement Award”) to recognize innovative members of the community who have advanced the development and use of 3D technologies and associated workflows.

Since the award’s inception in 2005, it has been given annually at the SPAR International conference. Congratulations to the six winners who were presented a Star Award at SPAR International 2012 in Houston:


John Russo, President, USIBD (U.S. Institute of Building Documentation) for successfully launching this national organization dedicated to establishing standards, guidelines and best practices to foster excellence in the productivity, quality and safety of the documentation process. www.usibd.org 

Rob Dingess, President and CEO and Ray Mandli, Chair, GTMA (Geospatial Transportation Mapping Association) for outstanding work organizing industry, policymakers and public to expand the use of geospatial mapping for improving roadway, waterway, airport and rail infrastructure. www.usgtma.org 

Gene V. Roe,  Chair of ASTM E57.04 (3D Imaging) sub-committee for Data Interoperability for his tireless efforts in this volunteer role over the last 6 years leading and facilitating the development of this now published open standard for 3D imaging system data exchange. http://www.astm.org/COMMIT/COMMITTEE/E57.htm

Chris Zmijewski, Vice President, and Simon Barnes, Director of International Affairs, both of Haag 3D Solutions for their outstanding efforts to enhance the value for SPAR conference attendees by conceiving and creating the Pre-Conference Tutorial: Getting the Most Out of SPAR, organizing the 3D Boot Camp for Beginners, and sharing their extensive industry knowledge as session Moderators.


Past Recipients:


Bernd Becker, Co-Founder, iQvolution (purchased by FARO in 2005); Product Manager, Laser Scanners, FARO 



Allan Carswell, Chairman, Optech 

Eric Hoffman, Founder, Quantapoint 



Amadeus Burger, President & CEO, CSA 

Hans Hess, President, Hanesco AG 



Christoph Fröhlich, Managing Director, Z+F 

Akihiro Iwata, Electrical & Control Systems Engineering Group, Toshiba Plant Systems & Services 



Ben Kacyra, Founder, CyArk 

Alan Lytle, Group Leader, Construction Metrology and Automation Group, NIST 



Tad Fry, Manager of Engineering, Anheuser-Busch 



Kirk Knorr, Manager of Engineering, Burns & McDonnell 


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