August 23, 2017

Scanse releases free Unity application for viewing scans in VR

Not content with bringing you a popular open source 3D lidar scanner kit that costs less than $700, Scanse is at it again. The organization has released what they are calling a “simple Unity project to view scans.”

As described in the GitHub project documentation, it includes a regular viewer and a “miniature point cloud viewer,” both of which are compatible with VR headsets. Though Scanse implies that their application is designed to run with scans gathered by their own kit, its safe to assume that its capable of loading up any .csv file.

Given the release on GitHub and the scant attention that Scanse has given to PR, it’s clear that this one is for the tinkerers. Want to try something new? Maybe build your own viewer? This one might be for you.

To find out more, get thee to GitHub.

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