September 5, 2006

Quantapoint PRISM 3D, QuantaCAD for PDMS in Final Beta


Quantapoint commenced final beta testing for PRISM 3D, its software for sharing and accessing laser scan data, and QuantaCAD for PDMS, which lets this data be accessed within AVEVA PDMS. A key new capability of both tools is removal of visual distortion – the so-called “Greenland effect” familiar from map projections – when viewing 3D laser data as a 2D image. PRISM 3D uses what Quantapoint calls a panoramic projected view to remove this distortion without compromising measurements. The panoramic projected view is also designed to enable virtual-reality-style interaction in which moving the mouse simulates moving the viewer’s head to view the scene. Another ease-of-use feature is a directional compass showing which way the viewer is facing in the 2D laser image.Other capabilities include “hover text” showing the location of the cursor in the digitized scene, to make it faster and easier to extract information; tag points that can save a 3D location in the digitized scene, making it easier for specific 3D locations such as tie points and design points to be identified and shared; single-click estimation of pipe data such as centerline and diameter; coloring the digitized scene by depth to visually show the distance from the user; and single-click loading of the digitized scene around a CAD model.

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