November 18, 2009

NIST Issues 3D Imaging Opportunities SBIR Solicitation

The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s recently issued fiscal year 2010 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) solicitation, Phase 1, includes a few topics directly related to 3D imaging: Self-Calibrating Camera Networks for Rapid Deployment, High-frame Rate, Foveated 3D Imaging System and 3D Imaging Sensor System for Robotic Platform. The solicitation for the three-phase program includes subtopics describing research needed to extend technologies developed at NIST for the purpose of commercializing the NIST technology as well as subtopics describing NIST mission-related research that directly support a NIST project that can be achieved by a small business. Questions and responses about the subtopics should be directed through the NIST SBIR Web site.

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