November 20, 2017

NCTech unveils the future of the LASiris VR


After what feels like a long wait, NCTech has finally disclosed the release of LASiris VR.

Earlier this year, NCTech announced the LASiris VR 3D Reality Capture Camera at SPAR 3D. They demonstrated its capability to capture and colorize point clouds with hi-def imagery, enabling users to produce immersive walkthroughs and virtual tours of real-world places. However, the company didn’t yet have a release date for the LASiris VR.

Now, they have announced a plan to ship it first as a Developer Kit. Though the Developer Kit (DK)  is not representative of the final product, the company promises to deliver the baseline level performance required for acceptability testing in application areas of interest, whether that’s proving its accuracy against an existing solution or data processing workflow, or using LASiris VR in completely new applications where current products are not viable.

The company plans to provide the DK specifications, sample data, and images, as well as its pricing before the end of the year. Users that get the DK version will have a trade-in opportunity to upgrade to the final release (when ready).

Once the LASiris DK releases, NCTech expects DK users to provide feedback, to help understand what software tools and functions the company needs to develop or bring in through its OneStopVR platform.

As for specs, it features a 120MP HDR Image Resolution camera with a 360° by 300° FOV, and 100m Precision Lasers that gather 300,000 points per second.The LASiris VR “is first and foremost about enabling reality capture for visualization applications – and secondarily for measurement related applications,” as NCTech puts it.

As we mentioned in our previous and more detailed article about the LASiris VR, the product isn’t marketed for a specific industry, but to various: architecture, survey, construction, forensics, video games development, and visual effects creation. To back that up, NCTech actually showed how models captured by the LASiris VR are easily applied for AR applications with its model of The Scottish Kelpies.


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