November 29, 2007

kubit Ships PointCloud 3.2, PointCloud Pro 3.2

kubit shipped PointCloud 3.2 and PointCloud Pro 3.2 with new functionality designed to make point cloud processing in AutoCAD faster and easier. Planes can now be adjusted by selecting a specified group of points; these planes can then be intersected for quick, accurate modeling of edges and corners of a scanned object. Also, an AutoCAD UCS (user coordinate system) can now be applied to these planes. Using both point cloud data and oriented images in this fashion makes for an easier, more accurate and more efficient post-processing workflow, kubit says. List prices in Europe are €1000 for PointCloud 3.2 and €3500 for PointCloud Pro 3.2. U.S. list prices for the two products are $1000 and $3990 respectively.

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