October 13, 2016

ZEB-CAM Adds Imagery to GeoSLAM's Handheld LiDAR


Intergeo this year has seen no shortage of new sensors, but perhaps the biggest story has been the number of new integrations.


ZEB-REVO with mounted ZEB-CAM

GeoSLAM is playing into this trend with the release of their ZEB-CAM, an add-on for the company’s ZEB-REVO handheld indoor mapper that captures imagery at the same time as 3D scan data.

The data captured by the two sensors is fully synchronized, and users can view the results side by side in GeoSLAM’s desktop software. Click a spot in the scan, and the associated imagery is displayed. Click a spot in the imagery, and the associated scan data is displayed.

GeoSLAM, a company known mostly for its SLAM algorithms, has introduced a number of new LiDAR integrations in 2016. Since January, the company has starting producing a cart-based indoor LiDAR mapper with Surphaser, the new ZEB-REVO handheld mobile LiDAR mapper, and put the same handheld scanner on top of an autonomous tank robot.

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