December 15, 2011

FIT-ESIC demonstrates underwater photogrammetry

THE HAGUE, The Netherlands – As part of SPAR Europe, held here last month, a number of vendors were tasked with demonstrating their technology in live settings. For FIT-ESIC, that meant using photogrammetry to model a propeller in a fish tank. Yes, really. When the fountain proved too shallow, the World Forum’s fish tank was decided upon as the next best thing, and FIT-ESIC tackled the task as best they could.

At the close of the conference, the company presented their results. The following video features Marc Daeffler and Jean-Baptiste Monnerie discussing their methods, the resulting model, and the accuracy they were able to obtain. No, it wasn’t the most realistic scenario possible (there wasn’t a practical way to get overly realistic in this case), but you should find the discussion of the results interesting, nonetheless.

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