November 29, 2017

DotProduct and Assemble put AEC field validation on your handheld scanner

You might think of handheld capture devices as scanners, when the truth is that they are platforms. Most of the vendors will tell you that the hardware is not their big competitive advantage, the software is. Focusing on bringing it all together with software enables them to swap out hardware without losing the look, feel, and workflow offered by their systems. It also enables them to integrate new software solutions directly in the device, for use in the field without the need for a laptop.

This brings us to the latest news from DotProduct, which has partnered with Assemble Systems. Assemble’s offering is an SaaS platform that acts as a top layer for construction data taken from various sources, enabling users to index, query, connect, and compare data from BIM models, drawings, and point clouds.

One of the functions of the solution, as you might guess, is comparing point clouds and CAD/BIM geometry. The partnership between DotProduct and Assemble builds on this function by enabling in-field registration and comparison of point cloud data and geometry.

According to an official statement, the upcoming release of DotProduct’s Dot3D Edit “will allow for direct input of federated models from Assemble systems for validation, comparison, and registration with DotProduct point cloud on Android or Windows.”

Here’s how they describe the workflow: DPI-8X users will register scan data to Assemble CAD models while still in the field. Next, users can identify differences between the models and send them back to Assemble as point cloud data aligned to the correct location.

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