February 15, 2012

DARPA to hold MIST workshop next week

Program to focus on long-range geometric and 3D imaging technology

ARLINGTON, Va. – DARPA has announced it will host a Proposer’s Day Workshop in support of the Military Imaging and Surveillance Technology – Long Range program, which is “developing fundamentally new electro-optic sensing capabilities to be used on airborne and ground platforms for target identification and tracking applications.” The conference, to be held Feb. 23, and limited to 60 participants, is free and will focus on providing information about MIST, addressing questions of potential proposers, and providing a forum for potential proposers to present their capabilities and to look for teaming opportunities.

Interested parties should visit this link for contact information and the details of registration.

Specifically, the LR piece of MIST “will focus on long-range geometric and 3D imaging technology that will allow for target characterization beyond the physical-aperture diffraction-limit of the receiver system.” DARPA is interested in exploring technologies like computational imaging, synthetic-aperture imaging, digital holography, multi-static laser radar, and angle-resolved imaging based on light transport analysis. However, that list should not be taken as anything more than a suggestion for technological exploration.

In order to attend, parties must register by Feb. 20. 

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