January 19, 2021

Building better check-ins: Reducing time and increasing safety with an app


COVID-19 has posed many challenges to the construction industry and changed the way that work is done, both in person and in the home office. It has also been the genesis of innovation, including finding new, and better connected ways to check in to a jobsite to ensure that workers are cleared, healthy, and safe.

One company that has recently launched an app is LinkedField, who have released a free COVID-19 Field App and QR codes for construction companies. While some jobsites have simple forms that are connected with only QR codes, LinkedFields’ app contains additional back-end tools for export and search to facilitate management tracking.

To sign up, workers scan a QR code with their phone or device, and the information transmitted via the screening forms are transmitted securely to protect private information. The sign in process takes less than 15 seconds, according to LinkedField.

Project administrators can look at check-ins at a glance, and have the options to call meetings, share safety training materials, etc. via the app. Project Admin’s are provided with COVID-19 alerts, and perform contact tracing to keep everyone safe. Field team members can keep track of manpower and subcontractor crews.

For a free trial, visit https://www.linkedfield.com/Covid19


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