January 15, 2019

Arvizio’s MR Studio: The enterprise mixed-reality platform for point clouds and CAD is now available for Magic Leap

For those lucky few of you who have access to a Magic Leap headset, or those of you who will have access to one in the future, I have good news: Magic Leap has at least one enterprise-specific tool for you to use.

That tool is Arvizio’s MR Studio platform. In a 2017 feature, we described this tool as “an enterprise solution for building mixed-reality experiences from 3D data and sharing them with stakeholders for real-time collaboration.” In short, you can use it to build augmented reality experiences without any programming knowhow, as well as pull in and align a variety of 3D data types (like point clouds and Revit models). MR Studio also handles the visualization end, enabling you to display your project on a variety of mixed-reality devices, including Microsoft’s HoloLens, a variety of VR headsets, and now Magic Leap headsets.

“Customers require a flexible platform that offers a common experience across multiple types of augmented, mixed and virtual reality devices” said CEO Jonathan Reeves. He added that the company will continue to expand the mixed-reality devices it supports in order to help users to build “cross platform, multi-user, collaborative experiences.”

Now you just need to get your hands on a Magic Leap One.

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