December 14, 2021

5 Questions that Geo Week will answer for AEC Professionals

Geo Week 2022 will answer key questions on the digitization of AEC, evolving workflows and more.

This article is part of our Road to Geo Week series.
Click here to register for Geo Week in Denver, CO, February 6-8, 2022.

In an industry where technology is rapidly changing, it can be hard to keep up with the latest developments and understand what is real and what is hype. At Geo Week 2022, our conference program is designed to help you navigate these unknowns with the help of experts, real-world case studies and more. What are some of the things you can learn at Geo Week? Here are five key questions.

1. What does the “Intersection of the Geospatial and Built World” actually look like?

In the last few years, AEC firms have begun to realize the benefits of integrating digital technologies into their workflows, and the ROI of such efforts has been repeatedly demonstrated. However, the digitalization of the construction process is the first step towards the integration of BIM and geospatial information. The connection between these two traditionally siloed technologies can transform project outcomes, enhance productivity, and save on waste and costs. Rather than modeling buildings to be constructed on a blank, white page, methods for integrating geospatial information at all stages of the building lifecycle are emerging. Geo Week sessions will explore how GIS and BIM workflows can be strengthened by coming together, and how these disciplines beginning to overlap. Can these innovations bring us closer to developing greener, smarter cities? This intersection will define the future of numerous industry sectors.

2. How are professionals transforming raw data into actionable insights?

Advances in data collection for digitalization - via laser scanning, photogrammetry and other sensors - has generated an unprecedented amount of information. Several years ago, the question was “how do we get this information?” The question has since evolved into “what can we do with it?” In the end-user-centric conference program at Geo Week, presenters and panelists will share how they’ve used, analyzed and assessed incoming data to make decisions that ultimately increase their ROI. Does doing so reduce “re-work” and create new outcomes not previously possible? How are users avoid drowning in data? Insights around this topic will define how users of all types quantify the value of the adoption of a new piece of technology.

3. Has COVID-19 and remote work changed AEC Processes and workflows for the better?

The onset of a global pandemic had profound impacts on every industry. For many, this meant fewer people were able to be co-located and there was reduced access to shared office and conference space, which illuminated gaps in team communication. Working remotely introduced new challenges with getting “on the same page” when colleagues became distanced by necessity. We explore how these disruptions impacted the geospatial industries, and whether pandemic-related changes acted as the catalyst that gave AEC firms with traditional pen-and-paper workflows a final kick toward pursuing digitalization. We ask what were some of the lessons learned by these circumstances, and can we expect that new innovations in collaborative workflows, remote progress monitoring and reality capture will remain in place beyond the pandemic? How can other automated technologies and collaborative visualization tools continue to advance workflows across industries? End users will explain their answers to these questions as part of the conference program, and the solutions that continue to support these answers will be showcased as part of the exhibit floor.

 4. Are “digital twins” and “smart cities” just buzzwords?

“Smart Cities”, ”Digital Twins”, the “Metaverse” - there are a lot of buzzwords around new technologies that can sometimes seem more science fiction than practical. Throughout the conference program, presentations focus on the reality of technology rather than just its potential aspirations. Examples of digital twins in action, business considerations for BIM, and the progress of smart city technology applications will be discussed with a focus on demonstrating the non-theoretical ROIs of such technologies. These definitions and takeaways will shape how many of these topics are explored and leveraged over the next year.

5. If we follow the money, where does it take us?

Venture capital investments, especially through SPACs (Special Purpose Acquisition Companies) and PIPEs (Private Investment in Public Equity), as well as the acquisitions of startups by larger companies have made news in 2021. Startup companies are growing and thriving (especially in 3D technology, AEC and AI) as many industries seek to digitize their workflows and are looking for practical solutions. Throughout the conference program, sessions are focused on this bottom line: developing more efficient workflows to work with less time, cost, and waste. How do organizations quantify the value of each of these elements? And how will that value define where investment growth and opportunity is happening in the technology space?

If you’re interested in learning more about these advances at Geo Week 2022, use the link below to register or see more of the AEC-related conference sessions here.

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