February 5, 2014

$250 mil' in 3D design software, services for 27,000 U.S. schools


Autodesk expands new Design the Future program

Autodesk CEO Carl Bass said Monday a lack of qualified U.S. high school and university graduates are keeping “high-paying positions” – notably those in science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM) – unfilled at his company’s customers.

In an effort to remedy the situation, the San Rafael, Calif.-based 3D design and engineering software maker said it will provide $250 million worth of software, project-based curricula, training and certification to the next generation of designers, engineers, architects and digital artists at all 27,000 U.S. secondary schools in 2014.

The layout expands Autodesk’s recently launched Design the Future program, which prepares school kids for careers in STEAM fields such as engineering and architecture.

The program, which launched in California last year and expanded to Texas this year, provides educators with free access to current versions of Autodesk 3D design software, including more than 14 products for architecture, engineering and entertainment.

Design the Future also contributes project-based curricula assigned to Common Core and ISTE standards, as well as training and certification. In the first six months of the program, more than 350 California schools enrolled.

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