August 17, 2016

This Week in 3D - 8/17/16


What Virtual Reality is Good For [Slate]
Experts say it’s not games, not movies, and not fun. So… what IS it good for, then?

Apple Granted EVEN MORE Patents Related to 3D maps [Patently Apple]
The second, and most interesting of the three patents, involves combining different data sets into an easily viewable 3D map. This company is clearly up to something.

Apple CEO Tim Cook Speaks on Augmented Reality [Washington Post]
“I think AR [augmented reality]is extremely interesting and sort of a core technology. So, yes, it’s something we’re doing a lot of things on behind that curtain that we talked about.”

South Korea Building 3D Maps for Drone Testers [ZDNet]
The 3D maps include the spatial information vital for safe drone testing.

A new type of Microchip for Personal 3D Cinema Headsets [PRNewswire]
“The V100 is a versatile, all-in-one solution tailored for 3D movie watching applications.”

Ithaca Professors Scan a Historic Tavern for Restoration
Your classic story of a bunch of dudes laser-scanning a tavern.

Iran to Use 3D Scanning and Printing to Restore and Preserve Ancient Monuments [3Ders]
The country will be 3D-scanning AND 3D-printing its ancient monuments as part of a wider restoration effort.

How Bjork’s Face Was Scanned for a 3D-Printed Mask [Creator’s Project]
If you like it weird, the story of Björk’s techno-bear mask could be just the thing.

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