June 15, 2011

U of South Florida now a training center for FARO

In what appears to be a pretty innovative move, FARO is partnering with the University of South Florida so that two assistant professors there will run three-day training programs on the new Focus3D. I can’t say that I’ve seen anyone outsource product training in that way.

From the USF release:

Assistant Professors Lori Collins and Travis Doering, Directors of the Alliance for Integrated Spatial Technologies(AIST), a USF core facility, have joined with FARO Technologies, Inc., the world’s leading provider of portable measurement and 3D imaging solutions, to deliver training on the new FARO Laser Scanner Focus3D. As a core facility, the high-tech equipment and expertise are available to other USF departments and programs to integrate into research and curriculum projects. 

Not sure exactly how they’re defining “leading” there, but it would appear that FARO is trading free equipment in exchange for training hours and expertise, which is pretty cool. I’ve seen companies pay other trainers to do their work, but have never seen this kind of barter agreement (if that’s what it is). I’m sure they exist elsewhere, and it’s just new to me, since I can definitely see what’s in it for both sides. USF likely doesn’t have a huge capital budget for buying new laser scanners, and FARO gets not only the training service, but the academic bona fides of the professors. 

Best of all for the people getting trained, you not only get training on the device and workflow, but you also get continuing ed credits from USF. Bonus. 

I do, though, have to maybe point out some good marketing work that’s being done here by FARO, maybe even unintentionally. For instance, this paragraph:

The new FARO Laser Scanner Focus3D “has revolutionized several industries because it does the work in minutes that used to take days,” Collins said. 

Ahem. I think you could say that laser scanners, in general, have revolutionized industries in this way, but there’s no way that the Focus3D has changed workflows in that way all by itself. Moving from an HDS 6000/Z+F 5000 to a Focus3D does not move one from days to minutes, that’s for sure, and those were definitely already on the market. 

But, hey, if you get someone else to say it and it winds up in the internet, who are FARO to argue, right?

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