August 16, 2011

Kinect moves forward at Siggraph

For those of you dismissing the Kinect as a toy, make sure you watch this weeks’ video blog. Tinkerers from Microsoft Research Cambridge, along with some UK and Canadian university types, demonstrated some pretty amazing real-time 3D modeling capabilities last week at Siggraph. Do I know exactly how this might be applied usefully in the future? No. Is it patently obvious to me that someone will figure it out? Absolutely.

My full thoughts on these developments, plus some other notes from the show in Vancouver, are in this week’s video blog:


Reference materials for this week’s video blog

First, here’s the full video presentation from Siggraph. No, there isn’t any sound:


Here’s the EnGadget write up with their thoughts on the Kinect presentation.

And here’s EnGadget’s write up of the face scanning done with Kinect

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