November 20, 2012

From prototype to product in six months

While I do my best not to just be a SPAR cheerleader, it’s hard not to be pleased when it really seems like what we’re doing at our conferences actually makes sense. For instance, when someone shows up at a show with new technology, then shows up at the next show with a commercial product. That’s the way it’s supposed to work, right?

I could make this point about Allpoint Systems, actually, which went from a point-to-point terrestrial laser scanning robot at SPAR International in April to a more lightweight and portable terrestrial scanning tripod and software package last week at SPAR Europe. But the point of this post is to make the point about CSIRO, the Australian research agency that showed up at SPAR International in April with a weird, floppy indoor scanning device, gathered a bunch of folks around various lunch tables to show it off, and then showed up at SPAR Europe with a brand-new product announcement alongside 3D Laser Mapping. That’s how to move from point A to point B (yikes, that’s as many “points” than your average laser scanner produces…). 

They were certainly one of the more buzz-inducing products at SPAR Europe, and I made sure to grab a video interview with Eliot Duff from CSIRO and Jon Chicken from 3D Laser Mapping to talk about the technology and how 3D Laser Mapping plans to bring it to market. You can catch it in the following piece, where I make sure to ask Eliot about the floppy thing he has in his hand. How polite of me:


Did I then ask him why it’s better to swing your floppy thing around? Why yes I did. Perhaps I could have been a little more articulate, but hopefully you get the general idea. I’ll be on the lookout for a good real-world case study using the product in the near future.

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