April 15, 2012

Firing up SPAR International 2012


Hey folks, things are about to get interesting. SPAR International basically kicks off in about 20 minutes, with the first of our user and association meetings, and I’ll be diving in with both feet. Before I do that, though, here are a couple of quick pieces of information that might be useful. 

• First, if you’re on site, you’re going to want to check out our brand-new mobile site, which has the schedule in a very nicely mobile-optimized format at www.sparpointgroup.com/mobile or m.spartpointgroup.com (whichever is your preference). 

• Second, if you’re tweeting on site, please use the #spar12 hashtag. (Actually, strike that. I don’t want to be an officious Twitterer. Use whatever tag you want. But I’ll be using #spar12.)

• Third, if you’re not on site (and why you’re not here will just have to be your own deal), you should at least join us for tomorrow’s keynote addresses, which will be streamed live starting at 9 a.m. central time (that’s 10 a.m. for your east coasters, 2 p.m. for the UK, and 3 p.m. for the continent, right? Daylight savings has thrown me for a bit of a loop). To find it, go to this page right here.

• Hope that’s good for now. I’m about to hit the first GTMA (Geospatial Transportation Mapping Association) meeting ever, plus hit up the ESRI and kubit user meetings if I’ve got time. Then happy hour and the band rehearsal for the Point Cloud All Stars. Busy, buys. 

In the meantime, here are some behind-the-scene pics of things getting started:

Exhibit hall shots:




And, of course, the mobile scanning vehicles are starting to roll in.


The entryway really is nicely lit, isn’t it?


And, of course, should you want to just show up and register, we’ve got people for that…


Stay tuned, folks. I’ll be posting LOTS more over the next few days. And if you’re on site, make sure to come up and say hi.

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