March 18, 2024

Around the Industry in AEC Innovations: AI, Scan-to-BIM, and Infrastructure

A look at stories covering how AI is changing construction, best practices for scan-to-bim, and sustainability with infrastructure.

This is a fascinating time in the AEC industry, with emerging technologies completely shifting the way work is done. An industry that for decades was, at least reputationally, averse to adopting new technologies is now not only giving them a shot, but completely embracing powerful new hardwares for scanning projects as well as new workflows enabled by artificial intelligence. It’s a crucial development for an industry which is dealing with a worsening “brain drain” as professionals retire to go along with growing demand amid increasing urbanization.

Today, we look at three articles from our friends around the industry looking at these new workflows and technologies. In one, the focus is on artificial intelligence and how it’s being used today, with that focus largely being in the office and for things like design workflow. We also have an article which gives best practices for those looking to start a scan-to-BIM program within their firm. And finally, we have an interview with Jen Huffstetler from Intel, looking at trends around infrastructure and sustainability.

Image via LancasterOnline

AI and construction: 'Can these buildings design themselves?'

Rebecca Logan, LancasterOnline

As alluded to above, the shifts around the construction industry are completely transforming the way work is done, and those who have been in the sector for a long time certainly see the differences. This article speaks with some professionals who have been in the industry for decades and looks at how things have changed. The article tackles everything from ground robots to automated heavy machinery, but the bulk of the focus is on the office, how AI is affecting design processes, and what we can expect moving forward.

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Image via Hexagon

4 Scan to BIM Best Practices You Should Implement


As a provider of both hardware and software for scanning and designing, Hexagon deals with customers on a daily basis who are taking advantage of these tools, including for things like Scan-to-BIM workflows. Because of those relationships, they are in a great position to know what companies looking to get into this space should and should not do to maximize their returns. In this article, the outline a few best practices that those new to processes – or even those who have been doing so for a while but are looking for better results – need to know.


Image via Connected World

Sustainability and Infrastructure

Peggy Smedley, Connected World

Finally, we have an interview conducted by Connected World’s Peggy Smedley with Jen Huffstetler, Chief Product Sustainability Officer, VP & GM future platform strategy with Intel. The interview focuses on sustainability and infrastructure, touching on a number of subjects around this area. That includes, of course, discussion of how artificial intelligence plays into these conversations. They tackle some of the financial benefits of the trends, challenges to implementation, and much more.


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