March 21, 2012

3D imaging is infiltrating our schools

When you’re in the 3D business, you tend to notice trends popping up, when technology you only talk about in the business world starts to cross over into areas of the mainstream media. This week, 3D was crossing over into stories about how it’s being used in education in a big way. It seems to me that when a middle school decides to throw out woodshop and add in 3D design class, that’s a sign that things aren’t exactly the way they used to be. 

So, what better topic for this week’s SPARVlog (that’d be my, ahem, award-winning video blog, ahem) than how 3D is infiltrating our schools and changing the way kids learn?

Check it out: 


Supporting links for further information:

• Readington, New Jersey, students move from wood shop to 3D design

• North Carolina to offer ArcGIS to every k-12 student

• Referendum to be held on whether to spend $67m on new Fox Valley Technical College public safety training initiative that will include laser scanning

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